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We Always Welcome New Smiles

If you’re looking for a pediatric dentist in Greenwood, your search is over with Park Pediatric Dentistry.

Need-to-Know Information for Your Child’s First Appointment

From online forms to insurance, let us help you get ready.


Financial Policy

We understand every budget is different, which is why we do everything possible to work within your finances. We accept:


Major credit cards

Flexible spending and health savings accounts


We accept most insurances and Medicaid. Also, we will file claims on your behalf. Insurance can be overwhelming to understand, so we’re here to help you navigate through that minefield. Call us today to see if we’re in-network with your provider.
Call 317-300-8163


Do You Have Any Questions About Pediatric Dentistry?

Consult our FAQs below or give us a call!

How are appointments scheduled?
Our goal is to schedule appointments when best suited for your child. We recommend scheduling younger patients in the morning when they are fresh and well rested. We also reserve morning appointments for students who require a lot of dental work for the same reasons. We also have after-school appointments.
How do you get them through an entire dental appointment?

Park Pediatric Dentistry is designed for children. How so?

  • Kid-friendly office: We have toys and games in the waiting room, TVs to watch their favorite movies, blankets, iPads, and so much more.
  • Highly-trained staff and doctor: We specialize in children! Dr. Lesa Allison has received extra training to treat children, including those with special needs.
  • Behavior management techniques: We use kid-friendly terms, positive reinforcement, tell-show-do techniques, and distractions to help your child love the dental office.
  • Prizes: At the end of your child’s appointment, he or she will get a prize to choose from our treasure chest.
Will I be able to stay with my child during the visit?
We welcome you to stay with your child during the initial/first visit. During future appointments, we recommend allowing your child to accompany our staff through the dental experience independently. Studies and experience have shown most children over the age of 4 do better with parents in the reception area. We have found many children are genuinely cooperative and we can usually establish a closer rapport if parents remain in the waiting room during examination and treatment visits. Our purpose is to gain your child’s confidence and overcome apprehension. We are highly trained and experienced in helping them to enjoy going to the dentist! With that being said, we know children can all vary greatly as individuals. We believe good communication and flexibility is the key to a great dental visit. There are always exceptions, especially for very young patients and apprehensive children! We are more than happy to discuss and honor your preferences at the time of their appointment.
What are the options for safe and comfortable dental treatment?
We provide several treatment options for children who are young and require more involved work or have increased anxiety and apprehension at the dentist. We offer different treatment modalities, including nitrous oxide (laughing gas), conscious sedation, IV sedation, and general anesthesia. If needed, Dr. Allison will thoroughly explain and recommend which option is the most appropriate for your child.
At what age should my child have their first dentist visit?
As soon as that first baby tooth appears, it’s time to visit the dentist (no later than the first birthday!). Seeing Dr. Allison will help prevent dental problems and set your child up for success.
What is a pediatric dentist?
Think of Dr. Lesa Allison as the pediatrician of dentistry. She has received 2-3 years of extra training after dental school to become a specialist in taking care of children’s teeth from ages 0-18, including those with special needs.
Why should I take my kids to a pediatric dentist instead of a family dentist?
Pediatric dentists have received the training and expertise to treat children. They eat, sleep, and breathe children’s oral health. This means Dr. Lesa Allison can adapt to any child’s needs.
How do I prepare my child for his/her first dental visit?

We have an easy-to-follow guide to help you prepare your child’s first visit with Park Pediatric Dentistry.

  • Make the appointment day as easy as possible and ensure your child is well-rested.
  • Be relaxed and maintain a positive attitude about the dental visit.
  • Set a good example: Brush and floss your teeth daily and visit the dentist regularly!
  • Tell them the dentist and staff will explain everything and answer questions.
  • Refrain from using words that might cause unnecessary fear.
  • Don’t use dental visits as punishments.
  • Avoid sharing any dental horror stories.
  • Convey dental visits as a part of growing up – don’t bribe them into going to the dentist.
How do I clean my child’s teeth?
Any soft-bristled toothbrush with a small head can help clean your child’s teeth – especially ones designed for infants. You should clean their teeth at least once a day at bedtime to remove bacteria and prevent tooth decay.
Are baby teeth really that important?

Yes, they are, and for so many reasons! Baby teeth help your child to:

  • Chew comfortable
  • Speak clearly
  • Aid the path for permanent teeth to come in

If you don’t take care of their baby teeth, you may be risking your child’s future oral health.

What is baby bottle decay or decay from nursing?
Baby bottle decay happens from extended nursing or when the child falls asleep while breastfeeding or feeding from the bottle. You can prevent this by nursing while your baby is wide awake and put water in their bottle before bedtime. It’s recommended to wean the bottle from your child at the age of 12-14 months.
Does thumb sucking or pacifier use affect my child’s mouth?
It can be harmful when it goes on for a period of time. How? It can create future oral problems, including crowded, crooked teeth or bite problems. Usually, these habits die on their own. If not, Dr. Allison may recommend a mouth appliance to prevent future problems.
What are sealants? How do they work?
Sealants are excellent to prevent tooth decay on back molars, which are those hard-to-reach places when brushing teeth. To learn more about sealants, visit Our Services page.
How often should my kids see a pediatric dentist?
Just like adults, your child should visit a pediatric dentist every six months to ensure his or her oral health is in tip-top shape. No mouth is ever the same, so Dr. Lesa Allison will discuss her recommendations on how often your child should visit the dentist at the initial visit.
What should my kids eat to prevent cavities?

A balanced diet is key for healthy teeth! This includes:

  • Fruits and vegetables
  • Bread and cereals
  • Milk and dairy products
  • Meat, fish, and eggs

Limit the intake of sugar to prevent tooth decay. Talk to Dr. Allison for more diet tips!

What toothpaste should they use? How much?
Always use fluoride toothpaste to brush your baby’s teeth. Use a tiny smear of toothpaste to brush your baby’s teeth and increase it to the size of a pea at the age of 3-6. Make sure your child spits out the toothpaste!
What toothbrush should they use?
A soft-bristled tooth brush for young infants, and it’s safe to use an adult toothbrush at the age of 9-13.
What should I do if my kid has a toothache?
Rinse your child’s mouth with warm salt water and apply a cold compress on his or her face if swollen. Do not put heat or aspirin on the sore area, and be sure to call us right away. We’ll do everything possible to get your child out of pain.
Are dental x-rays safe?
There are very safe! We use the best digital x-rays available, which produces a minimal amount of radiation. Even with the advancements of x-rays, Dr. Allison will be extra cautious to ensure your child is safe and sound.
Does my child need to wear a mouthguard when playing sports?
We advise your child wears a customized mouthguard. This will protect your child’s smile securely and comfortably, and you’ll avoid an emergency trip to the dentist’s office.
What are common dental emergencies and how do I handle them?
  • Knocked Out Tooth: If possible, find the tooth. Hold it by the crown, not the root. Then, wash it with water and try to put the tooth back in the socket. If you cannot put the tooth back in its socket, place it in a cup of milk and call Park Pediatric Dentistry immediately.
  • Chipped Tooth: Time is of the essence when this emergency happens. If your child chipped his or her tooth, call us immediately, and we’ll do everything possible to get your child in that same day.
  • Possible Broken Jaw: Hold your child’s jaw in place and go to the emergency room immediately.

Ready to Meet Our Pediatric Dentist in Greenwood?

Dr. Lesa Allison looks forward to meeting you!

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  • Please complete the following form to request an appointment. Please also note that availability will vary depending on your request. Your appointment will be confirmed by phone by a member of our staff. Thank you!
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Our Location

Park Pediatric Dentistry
1700 W. Smith Valley Rd Suite B-1
Greenwood, IN 46142
Phone: (317) 300-8163

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Our Hours

Monday to Friday: 8AM - 5PM
- Lunch: 1PM - 2PM
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed

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